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tiberlab s.r.l. is a spin off from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", established in 2008 based on a long-standing experience of 20 years of device simulations and development of simulating software within the OLAB research group, in the Department of Electronic Engineering.


Modern nanostructure devices pose new challenges due to the wide range of length and time scale involved. We provide a tool for multiscale simulation able to couple multi scale physical models in a single simulation.


We develop up-to-date innovative software solutions to design and to simulate electronic and optoelectronic devices.

tiberlab core business is the realization of a software platform, where design, modeling and numerical simulation of nanostructured devices can be performed in an integrated multiscale environment. tiberCAD multiscale simulation tool is capable of simulating a device at different scales, using different physical models and connecting them in a self-consistent way.


We offer both consulting services and tiberCAD multiscale simulation tool. Moreover, custom solutions can be provided for particular design problems. Due to its academic background, tiberlab s.r.l is largely committed to the research activity in close collaboration with our partner University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

Our offer is addressed both, to academic customers such as research groups involved in advanced studies on material science and innovative devices as well as industrial customers involved in microelectronics and optoelectronics market.