Get a fully functional one-month free trial version of tiberCAD »

To request info on Licensed/Purchased versions and Prices:

Tel: (+39) 06 7259 7781

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Research groups or organizations that have never tried tiberCAD simulation software are eligible to receive a one month free trial license. The free-trial version contains all the modules available for the software and its functionalities are not limited in any way.

You can install, run, use, operate and perform the Software on only one workstation and for at most one concurrent session.

To get the license please complete the trial request form on behalf of your research group/organization. Your official email account must be provided. No personal or free email accounts will be accepted for license applications. Please specify the complete name and type of your organization: academic institution/university, research center or private company.

Once your license has been approved, you will receive at the provided email account an automated email containing the required download information and license file.

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Stand Alone (SA) license: with SA license, by paying the fee as indicated in the request form a named single Licensee can install, run, use, operate and perform the Software, on only one workstation and for at most one concurrent session, for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of installation. Licensee may replace the named user for the license, on a temporary or permanent basis but no more than 4 (four) times a year, provided that only one licensed user is designated as the named user at any given time. SA license grants to use the Software and the Documentations for commercial, production and/or research use. SA License does not grant to the Licensee the right to access or use the Software over a network or with a remote access system.

Multi User (MU) license: with MU license, by paying the fee as indicated in the request form, a named single user (Administrator), can install, run, use operate and perform the Software even over a network or a remote access system, and can also grant the same rights to up to 10 (ten) named users in its research group or company for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of installation. The Administrator must be the office manager or the chief of the department. MU license grants to use the Software and the Documentations for commercial, production and/or research use.

License includes technical support for installation for 60 days since the date of purchase.

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Academic Licenses can be granted to academic institutions which accept to use the Software only for academic purposes (i.e. research, teaching, education and experimentation) and not for commercial or production use. Namely, Academic Licenses can be granted only to public or private universities, technical schools, research entities or single named students or researchers enrolled in those institutions working on a thesis or a diploma work as long as the use is restricted to the thesis or the diploma work. A short description of the research work where the Software will be used is requested, together with the commitment to provide citations of the Software in the research papers. Academic Licenses are valid for an unlimited period of time and include updates of the licensed release. Subsequent releases of the Software could be available, at Licensor’s discretion, paying the correspondent fee.

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TiberCAD Technical Support will provide technical support via phone or e-mail on the general usage of the software.

Terms of support: total 120hrs, max 3 requests and 10 hours per month.