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In the following, installpath denotes the directory where tiberCAD gets installed.
GMSH will be installed together with tiberCAD.

Get the installer package for your OS/architecture from or by contacting Questo indirizzo e-mail รจ protetto dallo spam bot. Abilita Javascript per vederlo. .
To run tiberCAD you will also need a license file that you will have to copy into the installation directory of tiberCAD.



To install tiberCAD in Windows, please run the setup program

During the installation you can choose the installation directory.
After finishing installation, copy your license file tibercad.lic into the license subdirectory of the tiberCAD installation directory (installpath/license), without changing the filename.



To install tiberCAD under Linux, download and run the self-extracting installer and follow the installation instructions.
During the installation you have the option to install a license server. This feature is needed for floating licenses, so if you have a trial or a node locked license, you can skip that point.

After installation, copy your license file tibercad.lic into the license subdirectory of the tiberCAD installation path (installpath/license) without changing the filename. You can also provide the license file during the installation process.

tiberCAD is launched by means of a shell script, which is installed together with the tiberCAD executable. It takes care of setting all necessary environment variables.




Open Windows Explorer and go to the tiberCAD installation directory.

In the examples subdirectory you can find several examples ready to run.

To run one example, just do the following:
If you have write permission in the installation directory, you can browse to an example directory and start the simulation by double clicking a tiberCAD input file (the files with extension .tib), e.g. bulk.tib in directory Example_0.

TiberCAD will open a DOS window where the program is executed and the output is shown on the screen. At the end of the execution, if the program is terminated successfully, you will find the output results in the output files, as described in the User Manual.

If you do not have write permission in the installation directory (it may happen if you use Windows Vista or Win 7), you should copy the whole example directory to a location in your personal area and run the examples from there.

If you cannot run tiberCAD by double clicking a tiberCAD input file (the files with extension .tib), then the input files may not be correctly associated with the tiberCAD executable.
In this case, try to establish the association by right-clicking the input file, choosing open with... >> Choose Program... >> Browse... browsing to the tiberCAD installation directory and choosing the tiberCAD executable, tibercad.exe.

Another option to run a TiberCAD input file is to run (double clicking) the executable tibercad.exe and then go with the browser to your working directory and then select a valid TiberCAD input file (.tib file).



After a correct installation of tiberCAD you should be able to run tiberCAD from the command line by using the command tibercad.
If not, you probably have to add the bin subdirectory of the tiberCAD installation path to your PATH environment variable or start the tiberCAD executable using the absolute path (installpath/bin/tibercad).
- Copy the directory of the example you want to run to your home directory or any place you have write permissions for.
- Change to the example directory and run tiberCAD, e.g. by assuming Example_0:

$ tibercad bulk.tib