TiberCAD Follow-Up Articles
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In the last years, the field of Organic electronics has experienced a growing attention.
In fact, innovative organic materials may be the key ingredients for a wide variety of innovative electronic devices.

Among the present and future applications are organic light emitting diodes (OLED), organic photovoltaics (OPV), organic field effect transistors (OFET). Research in this field is driven by the fact that organic devices are easier to fabricate and cheaper than traditional ones. Organic electronics is indeed an example of how chemistry enables innovations, by providing wide control on the tuning of material properties.

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Currently, in the field of solid-state lighting, LEDs based on InGaN/GaN quantum wells offer the highest overall efficiency. However, while the present preferred solution for white light emission is phosphor-based wavelength conversion, it has been argued that a color-mixing approach could exploit more efficiently the potential of solid-state lighting. A similar approach implies the combination of different LEDs emitting at different wavelength, including in particular the green-yellow range of spectrum. Unfortunately, it is well known that in this range nitride-based LEDs show a systematic drop in efficiency, called "green gap".

Recently, a research published in Phisical Review Letters shed some light on the physical origin of the "green gap".

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