HOPV11 15-18 May 2011
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HOPV 2011

tiberlab is a sponsor of the 3rd International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics held in the beautiful and atmospheric city of Valencia, Spain, from 15 to 18 May 2011.

The main topics of the conference are the development, function and modelling of materials and devices for hybrid and organic solar cells, including dye-sensitized solar cells, polymer / fullerene solar cells, small molecule organic solar cells, and other ‘excitonic’ solar cell technologies, including hybrid organic / inorganic and nanostructured devices.

tiberCAD module for DSC simulation, the first commercial software for the modeling of a complete DSC solar cell, has been presented in the exhibition area of the conference.

HOPV 2011 HOPV 2011 HOPV 2011 HOPV 2011 HOPV 2011