NUSOD11 5-8 Sept. 2011
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NUSOD 2011

The 11th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices will be held in Rome, Italy, from 5 to 8 September 2011.


The NUSOD Conference intends to connect theory and practice in optoelectronics. Papers are solicited on the modeling, simulation, and analysis of optoelectronic devices including materials, fabrication, and application. Academic researchers, device engineers, and software developers are invited to discuss the advancement and the practical use of numerical tools in photonics and electronics.

A Software tutorial workshop of tiberCAD will be given in conjunction with the NUSOD 2011 conference.
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This hands-on workshop is open to anyone interested in using tiberCAD multiphysics/multiscale tool for the modeling and simulation of electronic and optoelectronic devices.

Seating is limited and pre-registration is required